Milk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose IntolerantMilk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant

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Milk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant

I absolutely love milk. Because I drink this delicious, refreshing beverage every day, I couldn’t imagine my life without it. Unfortunately, some people are lactose intolerant. Therefore, they can’t safely drink traditional milk from a cow. Thankfully, many tasty substitutes to cow’s milk exist. Almond milk is one of my favorite alternative’s to cow’s milk. Many people also enjoy the texture and taste of soy milk, hazelnut milk, rice milk, coconut milk, and oat milk. On this blog, I hope you will discover the joy of specialty foods. Even if you or a friend can't enjoy the "real thing," there are plenty of foods left to enjoy.


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How To Run A Successful Salsa Fundraiser

Are you looking for a way to fundraise that does not involve selling candy bars, popcorn, or other classics? If so, you might want to try selling salsa. It's a food that most people like and enjoy, but it's not junk food. Plus, it will keep in people's cupboards for months or even years, so they can buy it from you to use at their leisure. So, how do you go about running a successful salsa fundraiser? Here are some top tips.

Make sure your profit margins are reasonable.

You need to sell the salsa for enough that you make a profit. However, you don't want to charge so much that people do not buy it. If you can find a salsa company that offers wholesale pricing, you'll be better off. You might even find a salsa company that has worked with fundraising groups before and is therefore used to this pricing scheme. 

Offer more than one kind of salsa.

Salsa is great, but if you offer more than one type of salsa, you're likely to sell more to each customer. You'll have plenty of customers who want to buy one of each, or who want to buy three jars of three different types of salsa to try. At a minimum, try to find hot, medium, and mild salsa to sell. This way, you'll be satisfying the palates that prefer all heat levels.

Offer a package discount.

You can likely also raise more money if you give your customers the option to buy more jars of salsa for a discount. For example, if you sell the salsa for $6 a jar, you could offer a deal where customers who buy three jars get them for $15 total, saving one dollar per jar. You'll get plenty of customers who buy more salsa just because it is a better deal that way.

Spread the word before you start selling.

Start telling people you know and people in the community about your salsa fundraiser before it even begins. Put up signs, send an email to close friends, and post on social media about it. Share information about the brand of salsa you're selling, too. This way, people will be excited about the salsa when you do start to offer it.

Salsa can be a great item to sell in a fundraising session. With the tips above, your attempt should be successful, bringing in the cash your group needs. 

For more info about salsa fundraising, contact a local company.