Milk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose IntolerantMilk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant

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Milk Substitutes for Those Who Are Lactose Intolerant

I absolutely love milk. Because I drink this delicious, refreshing beverage every day, I couldn’t imagine my life without it. Unfortunately, some people are lactose intolerant. Therefore, they can’t safely drink traditional milk from a cow. Thankfully, many tasty substitutes to cow’s milk exist. Almond milk is one of my favorite alternative’s to cow’s milk. Many people also enjoy the texture and taste of soy milk, hazelnut milk, rice milk, coconut milk, and oat milk. On this blog, I hope you will discover the joy of specialty foods. Even if you or a friend can't enjoy the "real thing," there are plenty of foods left to enjoy.


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3 Natural Options For Treating Acne

If you suffer from acne, finding a cure that clears your skin can take time, effort, and money. Traditional medicine is an option, but some people prefer more natural methods of treating ailments. If you are looking for home or natural remedies for acne, here are a few to try.   

Natural Supplements   

Nutrients can play a major role in your overall health, especially your skin health. For instance, vitamin A is needed to help your body rid itself of dead skin cells. When your vitamin A levels are low, shedding can slow and the dead skin cells will clog your pores. The clogged pores lead to the development of acne. Taking a natural supplement, such as vitamin A, can give your body the boost it needs to get rid of those dead skin cells. 

Another natural supplement that can help with your skin health is omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids can work as anti-inflammatory agents. Acne is sometimes triggered by inflammation. When you boost your omega-3 fatty acid intake, you can possibly give your body the boost needed to prevent the inflammation. 

Honey and Tea Tree Oil

Honey and tea tree oil both have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. As with omega-3 fatty acids, both substances can help to fight off an inflammatory reaction that results in acne developing. 

To get the most from the honey, you can make a mask of it and apply it to your skin. You do not have to cover your entire face with it. The honey mask only needs to be placed on the affected areas.  

Tea tree oil can be applied to your skin with a cotton swab on a daily basis. With the tea tree oil, you have to be on the lookout for dryness. If you notice your skin becoming too dry with it, limit your use going forward. For added protection, you can add the tea tree oil to your honey mask.  

Acidic Foods and Liquids

Acidic foods and liquids can help to clear your pores. Acidic foods and liquids, such as apple cider vinegar, work as exfoliants and can also reduce red marks that are commonly associated with acne.  

The juice from acidic foods, such as oranges, can be applied directly to the skin. If you are using apple cider vinegar, dilute it with water first. The vinegar can be too strong for the skin if applied full strength. 

For more information on supplements, talk a professional.